Emotet – It’s Back!!! Bigger and Badder!!!

EMOTET, Originally developed as a banking Trojan in 2014 has now evolved into an extensive modular Trojan functioning as an automated downloader and dropper of a multitude of other Trojans and Malware.

In Q1 2018, Emotet accounted for 57% of all banking trojan payloads, and it had been so disruptive that the United States- Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) issued an alert warning the public about the serious threat that is looming around. They even described this vicious and contagious trojan as ” among the most costly and destructive malware” with an average damage of US$1Million to re-mediate an outbreak.

Why is it dangerous?

Described as a mother of trojans, the main factor on why Emotet is so deadly is due to its ability to spread rapidly to other endpoints the moment it enters a network. Upon spreading it would then simultaneously spawn off various malware into the infected network resulting in:

Persistent Infections – payloads are launched from the start and in regular intervals making remediation efforts endless.

Credential Theft – User identifications and passwords are harvested from various logins by sniffing each computer and even login details stored in web browsers.

Disabling Windows Defender – The build in security tool in Windows based endpoints would be shut down

Unauthorized Online Banking Transactions – With the user credentials harvested via webinjects of banking trojans and later used to drain your bank accounts.

Ransomware – One of the many other malicious payload that could be triggered and make firefighting even more tedious.


(above) Emotet Infection Life Cycle


Nastier than WannaCry and harder to stop, Emotet is definitely one of the biggest cyberthreat facing organisations today!

Watch This Video on How SOPHOS is able to assist you on how to address this threat

Drop us a message TODAY for a FREE DEMO AND CONSULTATION on how to safeguard your organisation from EMOTET!!!
